

Our purpose is to crowdsource the best in human wisdom.


Many of us are ‘too busy’ with kids, career, or social media to go through the tough work to study, distill, and internalize the works of all the great authors of history. What if there was a way to objectively rank the best parts of the best works of mankind? Many efforts have been made to leverage the ‘wisdom of the crowd’ with great success. What if we did the same with the disparate bits of truth we’ve quipped across the ages?


Humans are constantly creating and distilling thought into clearer and more concise truth. From our nearly sensical dreams to the fantastic epic journey to the formation of religion to the depth of philosophy and the methods of scientific and psychological inquiry, we extract the best of our notions at each of these levels and analyze, generalize, and initialize into the proving grounds of our own lives. Also, every one of us tries to practice the what we preach. Despite being more connected than ever by technology, the process of wisdom extraction is performed largely in isolation, if at all.

The Challenge

The first challenge is that it’s just too much. Studies show that thanks to the information age and supply saturation, humans experience something called ‘choice fatigue’. For instance, when you go to the gas station, looking for a bottled water or a soft drink. How easy is it to choose from the wall of options? Now what if there were only two brands and two flavors? Much easier, right?

The Solution

Because of this struggle, we make choice easy! Do you know how chess grandmasters are determined? They compete – one-on-one, in various venues, and across time. Using the Elo rating system, winners increase their rating and losers reduce their rating each commiserate with the variance in their rank before the match began. This incredible equity allows two opponents to play each other again and again, and if the loser wins even once, then clearly the one who previously won isn’t wholly superior.


This is why our purpose is to crowdsource the discovery of the absolute best of human wisdom by having any and all quotations across mankind be judged in a perpetual tournament amongst anyone interested in participating. Thanks to the rating system, participants with a bias or ill-intent will be easily drowned out in the aggregate because it will only take a few wins by much-lower-ranked quotations to take other quotations down off their ill-gotten pedestal. May the best quote win!


As you identify with our purpose and experience our achievement of it, we encourage you to contribute. Leave comments. Drop a dollar in the tip jar. Your support enables us up to procure and curate more quotes for the world to sort. Because of this, we welcome any support you are willing to provide.

Global Rankings

Top 20 Quotes

The following are ordered from highest rating to lowest rating.

  1. 19. Lead your life or someone else will.

    Rating: 1433 Wins: 351 Losses: 336